le player de génériques

Variety - (The Communards)    twitter 

Don't leave me this way
I can't survive, I can't stay alive
Without your love, oh baby
Don't live me this way

I can't exist, I will surely miss
Your tender kiss
So don't leave me this way

Oh baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you
So come on down and do what you've got to do
Your started this fire down in my soul
Now can't you see it's burning, out of control
So come on down and satisfy the need in me
'Cause only your good loving can set me free

Don't leave me this way
I don't understand how I'm at your command
So baby please don't leave me this way.

Don't leave me this way
'Cause I can't exist
I will surely miss
Your tender kiss
So don't leave me this way

Oh baby, my heart is full of love and
desire for you...

Don't leave me this way
'Cause I can't survive, I can't stay alive
Without your love, oh baby
Don't live me this way

I can't exist, I will surely miss
Your tender kiss
So don't leave me this way

Oh baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you...

 - Don't Leave Me This Way

Variety - Infos
Date : 1986
Performer : The Communards

form added by coucoucircus.
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