le player de génériques

Variety - (Paul Young)    twitter 

Living on free food tickets
Water in the milk from a hole in the roof
Where the rain came through
What can you do?

Tears from your little sister
Crying 'cause she doesn't have a dress
Without a patch for the party to go
But you know she'll get by

'Cause she's living in the love of the common people
Smile's from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can, and she can

It's a good thing you don't have a bus fare
It would fall through the hole in your pocket and you'd lose it
In the snow on the ground
You got to walk into town to find a job

Tryin' to keep your hands warm
When the hole in your shoe lets the snow come through
And chills you to the bone
Now you'd better go home where it's warm

Where you can live in a love of the common people
Smile from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can, and she can

Living on a dream ain't easy
But the closer the knit, the tighter the fit
And the chills stay away
Keeping 'em in stride for family pride

You know that faith is in your foundation
And with a whole lot of love and a warm conversation
But don't forget to pray
'Cause making it strong where you belong

And we're living in the love of the common people
Smile's from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can, and she can

Yes, we're living in the love of the common people
Smile's from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can

Living in the love of the common people
Smile's from the heart of a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can

Living in the love of the common people
Smile's really hard on a family man
Daddy's gonna buy you a dream to cling to
Mama's gonna love you just as much as she can, and she can

 - Love of the Common People

Variety - Infos
Date : 1983
Performer : Paul Young

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  A 13 ans, je suis contraint de choisir un métier. C'est le juge Sharingham qui décidera de faire de moi un mousse. Me voilà parti sur les côtes d'Afrique à la recherche de la Dame Blanche... Je suis ?
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