le player de génériques

Variety - (David Lee Roth)    twitter 

I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go
People know the part, I'm playin'
Paid for every dance, sellin' each romance
Ooh, what they're sayin'

There will come a day, and youth will pass away
What'll they say about me?
When the end comes I know they'll say just a gigolo
And life goes on without me

I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go
People know the part, I'm playin'
Paid for every dance, sellin' each romance
Ooh, what they're sayin'

There will come a day and youth will pass away
What'll they say about me?
When the end comes I know they'll say just a gigolo
Life goes on without me, 'cause

I ain't got nobody, nobody cares for me
Nobody, nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely
Sad and lonely, sad and lonely
Won't some sweet mama

Come and take a chance with me
'Cause I ain't so bad, you know baby it
So lonesome all of the time
Even on the beat, only only on the beat
Bozdee bozdee bop didy bop

I ain't got nobody
Nobody cares for me
Nobody nobody

Lonesome baby, lonesome all of the time
Even on the beat, Johnny, Johnny on the beat
Get low so, daddy, mama
Sonny said, he's got nobody no, ooh no
Say now

Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody cares for me

 - Just A Gigolo

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Performer : David Lee Roth

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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