le player de génériques

Variety - (Amanda Lear )    twitter 

I'm getting out, I'm moving on
And from now on, Address unknown
I should I be difficult to find
So follow me
Just follow me

I'll sell you dreams and new desires
I'm trading hope, I'm opened
I am the night, I am your fate
So follow me
Just follow me

"Faust was right
Have no regret
Gimme your soul
I'll give you life
And all the things
You want to get
So follow me
Just follow me"

I'll give you wings
I'll sell you fame
Maybe to hell
I am the key to your problem
So follow me
Just follow me

"Unbelievable maybe
You'll have a new identity
For a second of vanity
I want to change your destiny
Unbelievable maybe
You'll have a new identity
For a second of vanity
I want to change your destiny
Follow me
Follow me
I'll give you anything you want
Your wish is my command
If you agree to follow me"

 - Follow me

Variety - Infos
Date : 1978
Album : Sweet Revenge
Origin : France
Performer : Amanda Lear
Music composer : Anton Monn
Auteur: Amanda Lear

form added by Tigrette.
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  ¿Soy un saltamontes! Me gusta el sol, me gusta cantar, me gusta saltar de hoja en hoja lalalalalalalalala lala ! Quién es yo?
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