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Variety - (Poor Man's Poison)    twitter 

Count the lights on empty souls
Quietly behind the doors
Oh, bleeding us just for fun
Men of power telling lies
Shifty hands and thirsty eyes
And they can smell your fear like blood

Oh, my weary soul
We've met your kind before
Set fire to us all
And oh sweet providence
Come save us from ourselves
From Hell and consequence

Feed the rich and kill the poor
Turn out the lights and just ignore
What's going on outside
Beating hearts of the depraved
We've turned their people into slaves
And we've given up before we've even tried

And oh my weary soul
We've met your kind before
Set fire to us all
And oh sweet providence
Come save us from ourselves
From Hell and consequence

And oh my weary soul
We've met your kind before
Set fire to us all
And oh sweet providence
Come save us from ourselves
From Hell and consequence

And oh my weary soul (oh, my weary soul)
Oh, my weary soul (oh, my weary soul)
And oh sweet providence
Come save us from ourselves
From Hell and consequence

 - Providence

Variety - Infos
Album : Providence
Performer : Poor Man's Poison
Music composer : Ryan Hakker Dustin Medeiros Michael Jacobs Thomas McCarthy

form added by charurubaka.
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