le player de génériques

Variety - (David Hallyday)    twitter 

How many moments ?
Tell me, what precious time
Fell through your fingers
Like sand ?

Love turned away from
What untended fire
Died in the palm
Of your hand ?

Now you understand - you're

Up high enough to dream
There are places yet undreamed of
Your heart so yearns to go
When you fly
Up high enough to see
There are roads that lead you nowhere
And roads that lead you home

You've slain the dragon
It was you all the time

You've touched the power of love
All of the pieces
Falling in place
Seeing all you've become worthy of
Through the eyes of the dove - flyin'
How many moments ?
Tell me, what precious time
Fell through your fingers
Like sand ?

Love turned away from
What untended fire
Died in the palm
Of your hand ?

Now you understand - you're

Up high enough to dream
There are places yet undreamed of
Your heart so yearns to go
When you fly
Up high enough to see
There are roads that lead you nowhere
And roads that lead you home

You've slain the dragon
It was you all the time

You've touched the power of love
All of the pieces
Falling in place
Seeing all you've become worthy of
Through the eyes of the dove - flyin'

 - High

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Album : High
Origin : France
Performer : David Hallyday
Music composer : Lisa Catherine Cohen, David Hallyday

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Petite leçon d'Histoire ! Ma devise: "Tòca-i se gausas" (Touches-y si tu oses) est toujours appliquée à ma ville 700 ans après ma mort. On parle de moi également comme auteur de l'Hymne Occitan "Se canta". Fin stratège, amateur d'art et grand Seigneur au caractère bien trempé, je suis...
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