le player de génériques

Variety - (Shanice)    twitter 

Sitting in my class, just drifting away
Staring into the windows of the world
I can't hear the teacher, his books don't call me at all
I don't see the bad boys tryin' to catch some play...

'cause I love your smile
I love your smile

The clock at work says three
And I wanna be free
Free to scream, free to bathe, free to paint
My toes all day
My boss is lame you know, and so is the pay
I'm gonna put that new black mini on my charge anyway

'cause I love your smile
I love your smile

Time came and showed me your direction
Now I know I'll never ever go back
Taught me that
I can be a better girl with love you give
You rock my world
You dig

I'm showin'
The life that I'm livin'
This is the life that I have
And it's given to you

Yeh'and it's true
Twinkley d
do you

Believe in a girl
like me
Shanice is the one
For you to be with

But when I'm caught
All alone
I start fessin'
It's from a state of depression
And the thunder clouds of doubt move in
I begin to wonder "Do you still love me?"
But after that
My whole world is beautiful

Blow branford

Time came and showed me your direction
Now I know I'll never ever go back
Taught me that
I can be a better girl with love you give
You rock my world
You dig


'cause I love your smile
I love your smile

 - I love your Smile

Variety - Infos
Date : 1991
Album : I love your Smile
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Shanice
Music composer : Narada Michael Walden,Narada Michael Walden,Jarvis La Rue Baker,Sylvester Jackson,Sylvester Jackson

form added by coucoucircus.
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  Deux frères recherchent leur jeune soeur kidnappée par les indiens et parcourent inlassablement l'Ouest américain. Cette série s'intitule...?
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