le player de génériques

Variety - (The Christians)    twitter 

If i could find words
To tell you i'm sorry
Make you understand
I mean just what i say

After all that i've heard
Why should i worry
When we ride the fine line
Between love and hate

If i had been wise
well how could i doubt you
now i'm all alone
my life in disarray

but try as i might
i can't live without you
so i cling to the hope
of a bright brighter day

oh i know we've been through this all before
how can i prove my love for you is real
no i can't do anymore
if i could only find words

and still he has dreams
and still i must learn to cope
absurd as it seems
i still have hope

if i had good sense
and heed all the warnings
i would let it be
and leave all well alone

but there's no recompense
for waking up mornings
feeling sure it's myself
who's the foolish one

yes i know we've been through this all before
how can i prove my love for you is real
no i can't do anymore

 - Words

Variety - Infos
Date : 1989
Album : The Christians
Origin : Royaume Uni
Performer : The Christians
Music composer : Henry Priestman

form added by coucoucircus.
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