le player de génériques

O.K. Fred (Errol Dunkley)    twitter 

O.K. Fred, now you're a yaga yaga
O.K. Fred, bully for you
O.K. Fred, now you're a yaga yaga
I wanna be one too

O.K. Fred, now I'm a yaga yaga
O.K. Fred, what do I do?
O.K. Fred, now I'm a yaga yaga
I am just like you

She said, like the way that you do it
When you do it on the quit
She say, like the way that you move
I like the way that you groove, she said

O.K. Fred, now you're a yaga yaga
O.K. Fred, bully for you
O.K. Fred, now you're a yaga yaga
I wanna be one too

She said, O.K. Fred, now I'm a yaga yaga
O.K. Fred, what do I do?
O.K. Fred, now I'm a yaga yaga
I am just like you, she said...

O.K. Fred, now you're a yaga yaga
O.K. Fred, bully for you
She said, like the way that you do it
When you do it on the quit
I like the way that you groove, she said
She say, like that you move

 - O.K. Fred

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1979
Interprète : Errol Dunkley

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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