le player de génériques

Dessins animés - Charlotte aux Fraises - 2003 - Un fructueux anniversaire - version anglaise (Strawberry Shortcake)    twitter 

A berry happy birthday to you
A berry happy birthday to you
Smile a smile from ear to ear
Wish a wish to last all year
A berry happy birthday to you

We’ve got juice, and we’ve got fruit
And the birthday girl who’s berry cute
A berry happy birthday to you

A berry happy birthday to you
(A berry happy birthday)
A berry happy birthday to you
(A berry happy birthday)
Smile a smile from ear to ear
Wish a wish to last all year
A berry happy birthday to you

Have some cookies, have some cake
Party hats are fun to make
A berry happy birthday to you

What’s the party thing that's best
A merry group of friends for guests
A berry happy birthday to you

What a super duper day
Have some cake
And now, let’s play

A berry happy birthday to you
(Happy birthday)
A berry happy birthday to you
(Happy birthday)
Smile a smile from ear to ear
Wish a wish to last all year
A berry happy birthday to you
(Happy birthday)

A berry happy birthday
A berry happy birthday
To you!

Strawberry Shortcake - Charlotte aux Fraises - 2003 - Un fructueux anniversaire - version anglaise

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Etats Unis
Titre Original : Strawberry Shortcake
Nombre d'épisodes : 26
1ère diffusion française : 2006
1ère chaine de diffusion française : M6
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Judy Rothman
Maison de production : DIC, 20th century Fox television

Liens d'intérêt
StrawberryShortcake.com (us)

Fiche ajoutée par Yoruichi.
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