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A up
After Burner - SEGA - Main Theme
After Burner 2 - SEGA - Main Theme
Alice Madness Returns - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Arcanum : Engrenages et Sortilèges - Troika Games - Main Theme
Arkanoid - Taito - Main Theme
Ashita no Joe - WAVE / Taito Corporation - Main Theme
Asura Blade - Sword of Dynasty - Fuuki - Main Theme
B up
Baldur's Gate - Black Isle Studios / BioWare - Main Theme
Baldur's Gate II : Shadow of Amn - Black Isle Studios / BioWare - Main Theme
Bang Bang Ball - Banpresto / Kunihiko Tashiro + Good House - Main Theme
Barbarian - Psygnosis - Main Theme
Baten Kaitos - Monolith Software - The True Mirror (Battle Theme)
Baten Kaitos Origins - Monolith Software - Le ali del principio
Batman Arkham City - Rocksteady - Arkham City Main Theme
Battle K Road - Psikyo - Main Theme
Berserk Sennen Teikoku no Taka Hen Seima no Senki no Shô (Sword of the Berserk) - Sammy - Sign
Beyond Good And Evil - Ubisoft - Hyllian Suite
Black - Criterion Software - Main Theme
Black Tiger - Capcom - Main Theme
Bleach heat the soul 2 - Eighting - Chance! - Opening Song
Breath of Fire III - Capcom - Do your Best! (Battle theme)
Breath of Fire III - Capcom - Tomorrow too a Battle Awaits ~SE Collection~ (Boss Battle Theme)
Bubble Bobble - Taito - Level 1
Bubble Bobble - Taito - Main Theme
Bubble Bobble 2 - Taito Corporation - Main theme
Bucky O'Hare - Konami - Main Theme
C up
Call of Duty - Infinity Ward - Main Theme
Call of Duty 2 - Infinity Ward - Menu Theme
Call of Duty 3 - Treyarch - Main Theme
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Infinity Ward - Main Theme
Chase HQ - Taito Corporation - Main Theme
Chrono Cross - Squaresoft - Radical Dreamers ~ Without Taking The Jewel ~ - Ending Song
Chrono Cross - Squaresoft - Time's Scar - Opening Theme
Chrono Trigger - Squaresoft - Kaeru's Theme
Chrono Trigger - Squaresoft - To Far Away Times
Civilization IV - Sid Meier - Baba yetu
Civilization IV - Sid Meier - Main Theme
D up
Dance Dance Revolution X - - Chance and dice
Dance Dance Revolution X - - Chance and dice (short)
Dance Dance Revolution (DDR 1st Mix) - Konami - Butterfly
Dark Chronicle - Level-5 - Time is changing (Japanese Original Ver.)
Dark Cloud - Level-5 - Main Theme
Day of The Tentacle - LucasArts Entertainment - Introduction & Opening Themes
Diablo - Blizzard North - Town
Donkey Kong - Nintendo - Main Theme
Double Dragon II: The Revenge - Technos - Main Title (Amiga)
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 - Dimps - Ore wa Tokoton Tomaranai!! - Opening
DragonBall Z Budokai 2 - Dimps - Kusuburu Haato ni hi no Tsukero - Opening
Dune 2000 - Westwood Studios - Rise of the Harkonnen
E up
Elder Scrolls III (The) : Morrowind - Bethesda Softworks - Nerevar Rising
Escape from Monkey Island - LucasArts Entertainment - Main Titles
Eternal Sonata(TrustyBell ~ Chopin no Yume ~) - Tri-Crescendo - Kokoro no kiseki (Main Theme)
Evil Zone (Fuujin Ryouiki Eretzvaju) - Yuke's Media Creation - Kiss in the Dark - Opening Song
F up
F-Zero - Nintendo - Big blue
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - The Game Designers Studio - Kaze no ne - Opening Song
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - The Game Designers Studio - Starry Moonlit Night - Ending Song
Final Fantasy IX - Squaresoft - Battle
Final Fantasy IX - Squaresoft - Melodies of Life (Japanese Version) - Ending Song
Final Fantasy IX - Squaresoft - Vamo' Alla Flamenco
Final Fantasy IX - Squaresoft - You're Not Alone!
Final Fantasy VI - Squaresoft - Tina (Terra)
Final Fantasy VII - Squaresoft - Aerith's Theme
Final Fantasy VII - Squaresoft - Fighting (Battle Theme)
Final Fantasy VII - Squaresoft - One-Winged Angel - Final Batlle Theme
Final Fantasy VII - Squaresoft - Opening~Bombing Mission - Opening Theme
Final Fantasy VII - Squaresoft - Still more Fighting / Those Who Fight Further (Boss Battle Theme)
Final Fantasy VIII - Squaresoft - Waltz for the Moon
Final Fantasy X - Squaresoft - The Skies Above
Final Fantasy XII - Square Enix - Kiss me goodbye (english version)
Final Fantasy XII - Square Enix - Kiss me goodbye (japenese version)
G up
Gargoyle's Quest - Capcom - Hell Field (Overworld Theme)
Gauntlet II - Atari Games - Intro
Ghosts'n Goblins - Capcom - Main Title
Golden Axe - Team Shinobi - Main Theme
Grandia III - Game Arts - In The Sky - Opening Song
GTA: San Andreas - Rockstar North - Main Theme
Guild Wars Factions - ArenaNet - Guild Wars Factions Theme
H up
Heart of Darkness - Amazing Studio - Main Theme
I up
Icewind Dale - Black Isle Studios - Main Theme
Icewind Dale II - Black Isle Studios - Targos Town
ICO - Sony Computer Entertainment - ICO -You were there-
J up
Jade Empire - BioWare Corp - Main Theme
K up
Kingdom Hearts - - Dearly Beloved - cover LeeandLie
Kingdom Hearts - Squaresoft - Simple and Clean - Ending Song
Kingdom Hearts II - Square Enix - Passion - Opening Song
L up
Last Express (the) - Broderbund Software & Smoking Car Productions, Inc. - Departure
Last Express (the) - Broderbund Software & Smoking Car Productions, Inc. - End Titles
League of legends - Riot - Burning Bright
League of legends - Riot - Drum go dum
League of legends - Riot - Get Jinxed
League of legends - Riot - Gods
League of legends - Riot - More
League of legends - Riot - Pop stars
League of legends - Riot - The Baddest
League of legends - Riot - The Curse of the Sad Mummy
League of legends - Riot - Villain
League of legends - Riot - Warriors
Legend of Mana - Squaresoft - Song Of Mana ~ Ending Theme
Les Sims 2 - Maxis - The Sims Theme
Little Big Adventure - Adeline Software International - LBA's Theme
LittleBigPlanet - Media Molecule,SCE - Get It Together
Loom - LucasArts Entertainment - Hetchel and the Elders
Lost Odyssey - Feelplus/Mistwalker - Main Theme
Lotus Land Story - - Bad Apple!!
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 - Amiga - Magnetic Fields - Main Theme - Amiga
M up
Mafia - Illusion Softworks - Main Theme
Magic Pockets - The Bitmap Brothers - Main Theme
Manoir de Mortevielle (le) - Lankhor - Main Theme
Mario Kart 64 - Nintendo - Screen title
Mass Effect - BioWare - Mass Effect Theme
Max Payne 2 - Rockstar Vienna - Main Theme
Medal of Honor - 2015 - Main Theme
Medal of Honor: Airborne - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Medal of Honor: Batailles du Pacifique - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Medal of Honor: Débarquement Allié - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Medal of Honor: En première Ligne - Electronic Arts - Operation Market Garden
Medal of Honor: Les Faucons de Guerre - Electronic Arts - Main Theme - Dogs of War
Medal of Honor: Résistance - DreamWorks Interactive - Destination Software - Main Theme - May 10th 1940
Medal of Honor: Soleil Levant - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Mercenaries - Pandemic Studios - Main Theme
Metal Gear Solid - Konami - Main Theme
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater - - Snake Eater - Opening Song
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops - - Calling to the night
Mirror's Edge - Digital Illusions CE - Still Alive
Mr.Bones - Rockstar San Diego-Zono Incorporated - Little people village to the Icy Lake
Mystic Quest - Square - Main Theme
N up
Namco x Capcom - Monolith Software - Brave New World (Subarashiki Shin Sekai) - Opening Song
Napple Tale : Alisia in Daydream - Sega - Tail Song
Nights X-mas - Sonic Team - Main bonus theme
Nights X-mas - Sonic Team - Main menu theme
O up
Okami - Clover Studio - Title
Operation Stealth (James Bond: The Stealth Affair) - Delphine Software, U.S. Gold - Main Theme - Amiga
Out Run - Sega-AM2 - Main Theme
Outcast - Appeal - Main Theme
Outcast - Appeal - World of Snow
P up
Panzer Dragoon - Sega - 1st Boss
Panzer Dragoon - Sega - 1st level
Panzer Dragoon - Sega - Main Theme
Perfect Dark - Rare - Institute Menu
Persona 5 Royal - Atlus - Last Surprise
Persona 5 Royal - Atlus - Life Will Change
Persona 5 Royal - Atlus - Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
Pharaon - Impressions Games - Main Theme
Pikmin - Nintendo - Ai No Uta Version 1
Pikmin - Nintendo - Ai No Uta Version Française
Pokemon Mobile -Magicarpe - The Pokemon Company - La chanson de magicarpe
Pokémon Rouge/Bleu/Jaune - Game Freak - Opening
Portal - Valve Software, Microsoft Game Studios - Still Alive
Powermonger - Bullfrog - Main Theme
Project Zero 2 - Crimson Butterfly - Tecmo - Chou
Project Zero 3 : The Tormented - Tecmo - Koe
Q up
Quackshot - Sega - Duckburg
R up
Red Dead Redemption - Rockstar San Diego - Far Away
Revenge of Shinobi (the) - Sega - Opening
Revenge of Shinobi (the) - Sega - The Shinobi
Rick Dangerous - Core Design - Main Title
Road Rash - Electronic Arts - Main Theme
Roller Coaster Tycoon - MicroProse - Main Theme
S up
Secret Weapons over Normandy - Totally Games - Main Theme
Sega Rally - Sega - Main Theme
Sentinel Returns - Hookstone - Main Title - "Earth/Air"
Shadow of the Colossus - Team ICO - Prologue ~To the Ancient Land~
Shenmue - Sega-AM2 - Main title - Orchestral version
Sonic & Knuckles - Sonic Team - Flying battery act 2
Sonic & Knuckles - Sonic Team - Lava Reef
Sonic Adventure - - Open your heart
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - - Live and Learn - Opening
Sonic Heroes - - Sonic Heroes - Opening
Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic Team - Green Hill Zone Theme
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 - - His World - Opening
Soul Calibur II - Namco - Hubris
Soul Calibur II - Namco - Hubris Reprise
Soul Calibur III - Namco - History Beckons (Character Select Screen)
Soul Edge (Soul Blade) - Namco - The Edge of Soul
Speedball - The Bitmap Brothers - Main Theme
Splinter Cell : Double Agent - Ubisoft - Main menu theme
Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow - Ubisoft - Main theme
Star Ocean : The Second Story - Tri-Ace - Beast of prey
Star Ocean : The Second Story - Tri-Ace - Dynamite (Boss Battle Theme)
Star Ocean : The Second Story - Tri-Ace - Rescue operation
Star Ocean : The Second Story - Tri-Ace - Stab the sword of justice (Battle Theme)
Star Ocean : The Second Story - Tri-Ace - The incarnation of devil
Street Fighter II - Capcom - Main Theme
Street Fighter IV - - Indestructible - Opening
Street Fighter IV - Dimps,Capcom - The Next Door
Street Fighter Zero - Capcom - Main Theme
Streets of Rage - Sega - Opening
Streets of Rage II - Sega - Stage 1 - Downtown
Suikoden II - KCET - Currents
Suikoden II - KCET - Opening
Suikoden III - KCET - Transcending Love
Suikoden Tactics (Rhapsodia) - Konami - Another World
Super Mario Bros 3 - Nintendo - Land 2
Super Mario Bros 3 - Nintendo - Starman
Super Mario Kart - Nintendo EAD - Screen title
Super Mario Land - Nintendo - Birabuto Kingdom Theme
Super Mario Odyssey - Nintendo - Jump Up Super Star - Theme NEW DONK CITY
Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island - Nintendo - Yoshi's Island
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Game Arts - Balloon Fight - Balloon Trip
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Game Arts - Metal Gear (MSX2) - Theme of Tara
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Game Arts - Metal Gear Solid - Encounter
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Game Arts - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme
Super Street Fighter II - Capcom - Player select
Swiv 3D - SCi Entertainment - Soundtrack 02
T up
Tales of Berseria - - BURN - Opening
Tales of Berseria - - BURN - Opening (short)
Tales of Eternia - Namco - Flying - Theme Song
Tales of Eternia - Namco - Main Title
Tales of Symphonia - Namco - Starry Heavens - Opening Song
Tales of Symphonia - Namco - The end of a thought - Lloyd vs Kratos Theme
Tales of The Abyss - Namco - Karma - Opening Song
Tales of The Tempest - Dimps - VS - Opening Song
Tales of Vesperia - - Kane wo Narashite - Opening
Tales of Vesperia - - Ring a Bell - Opening EUR
Teenage mutant ninja turtles - Konami - Screen title
Tetris - Bullet-Proof Software - Thème Principal (Main Theme)
The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion - 2K Games - Reign of the Septims
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Bethesda Game Studios - Dragonborn
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Bethesda Softworks - Main Theme
The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past - Nintendo EAD - Overworld
The Longest Journey - Funcom - Main Titles
The Witcher 3 - CD Projekt RED - La ballade de Priscilla
The Witcher 3 - CD Projekt RED - La ballade de Priscilla - Instrumental
Tomb Raider - Core Design - Main Theme
Tomb Raider III - Core Design - Main Theme
True Crime: New York City - Luxoflux - True Crime
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty - Spark Unlimited - Main Title
Turrican II: The Final Fight - Rainbow Arts - Main Theme - Amiga
Turrican II: The Final Fight - Rainbow Arts - The desert rocks Theme - Amiga
Turrican II: The Final Fight - Rainbow Arts - The final Challenge Theme - Amiga
V up
Vocaloid - SEGA - B Who I Want 2 B
Vocaloid - SEGA - Farewell to the World's End
Vocaloid - SEGA - Heart Beat
Vocaloid - SEGA - Ievan Polkka
Vroom - Lankhor - Main Theme
W up
Wild Arms - Media Vision - Critical Hit! (Fight Theme)
Wild Arms - Media Vision - Into the Wilderness - Opening Theme
Wild Arms - Media Vision - Lone Bird in the Shire (Rudy's Theme)
Wonder Boy in Monster Land - Sega / Westone - Main Theme
X up
Xenogears - Squaresoft - Small Two of Pieces ~Kishinda Kakera~ - Ending Song
Xenon - The Bitmap Brothers - Main Theme
Xenon 2 Megablast - The Bitmap Brothers - Megablast
Xenosaga Episode II : Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Namco - the image theme of Xenosaga II
Y up
Yakuza Like dragon : Infinite Wealth - Sega - Ryu Ga gotoku - Baka Darou - Game Version
Yakuza/Like Dragon Ishin - Sega/ Ryū ga Gotoku Studio - Baka Mitai - Ryoma Version
Ys III : Wanderers From Ys - Falcom - Believe in my heart (Ending) - Ending Theme
Ys III : Wanderers From Ys - Falcom - Wings of Love (Believe in My Heart)

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Accompagnés d'une bande originale mythique ; Anderson, Goldman, Johnston, Ruiz, Purcell et les autres ne font que leur devoir... Et c'est ...
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