le player de génériques

Dessins animés - Dragon Ball Z - Générique début 1 US ()    twitter 

Breaking through the shining cloud
I'm gonna fly away, fly away
Spreading through my body, feel the power through my soul

Kicked in the face, this earth is mad
As a fire brigade, fire brigade
Can't you feel it building up for her to blow

If there ever was a dinosaur
In a mound of icicles
I would wanna train it to ride a ball

Chala Head Chala
No matter, if ever anything could happen
Nothing can stop me now
Chala Head Chala
Oh, my heart just keep sparking up like a ball of flame
Oh yes, it make me fired up, sparking

I feel it, freedom in the sky
My roller coaster, coaster
Coming down to panic, chaos that spread over the ground

Take the scenic route down and upside down
I'm like a melting star, melting star
And the world seems faster as she's turning round

There's no time for me to mope and cry
I got to get started now
Advantures are so much the meaning of life

Chala Head Chala
Got so much space in my burning heart now
I'll take it up with all the world
Chala Head Cha La
Smiling away, away today, I'm ultra Z
Ai, Ai, Ai, Ai

Chala Head Chala
No matter, if ever anything could happen
Nothing can stop me now
Chala Head Chala
Oh, my heart just keep sparking up like a ball of flame
Oh yes, it make me fired up, sparking!

 - Dragon Ball Z - Générique début 1 US

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Japon
Nombre d'épisodes : 291
Interprète : Hironobu Kageyama
1ère diffusion française : 1990
1ère chaine de diffusion française : TF1
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Akira Toriyama
Maison de production : Tôei Animation

Fiche ajoutée par Spicefan25.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon générique emprunte la même intro que celui de Pacman. La ressemblance s'arrête là je vous rassure...Et pourtant, je ne suis pas du tout rassurant, je suis même un personnage très inquiétant ! Je suis ?
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