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Dessins animés - Woody Woodpecker - Générique US début ()    twitter 

"The Woody Woodpecker Show"

Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
Yes so !

Ho ho ho ho ho
Ha ha ha ha ha
That's the Woody Woodpecker song
Ho ho ho ho ho
He he he he he
He's pecking it all day long
I peck a few holes in a tree to see
If a redwood's really red
And it's nothing to him, on the tiniest whim
To peck a few holes in your head

Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
That's the Woody Woodpecker tune
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ho ho ho ho ho
You makes me the other woodpeckers swoon
Though it doesn't make sense to the dull and the dense
Why all the lady woodpeckers long, for

Ho ho ho ho ho
Ha ha ha ha ha
That's the Woody Woodpecker song

Ho ho ho ho ho
Ha ha ha ha ha
That's the Woody Woodpecker song
Ho ho ho ho ho
Ha ha ha ha ha
He's pecking it all day long

I peck a few holes in a tree to see
If a redwood's really red
And it's nothing to him, on the tiniest whim
To peck a few holes in your head

Ho ho ho ho ho
Ha ha ha ha ha
That's the Woody Woodpecker tune
Ho ho ho ho ho
He he he he he
You makes me the other woodpeckers swoon
Though it doesn't make sense to the dull and the dense
Why all the lady woodpeckers long, for

Ho ho ho ho ho
Ho ho ho ho ho
That's the Woody Woodpecker song
That's the Woody Woodpecker song !

 - Woody Woodpecker -  Générique US début

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Etats-Unis
Nombre d'épisodes : 194
Compositeur : Darrell Calker
1ère diffusion française : 1967
1ère chaine de diffusion française : ORTF
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Ben Hardaway
Maison de production : Walter Lantz Productions

Liens d'intérêt
Planète Jeunesse

Fiche ajoutée par Blue Eyes.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  On peut être une truie et avoir une certaine éducation, mais je suis au moins aussi bête que mon amie, qui elle , n'est pas une dinde, mais pas loin ! Qui sommes nous ?
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