"It's Punky Brewster"

Oh oh oh oh oh !
I ran to the end
Of a rainbow's eye
There wasn't any pot of gold
And there I found a new friend
Who's two feet tall
One hundred and four years old
Glomer is an orphan
He was left behind
And a lot like Punky
He is one of a kind
Punky Brewster
Come on it's just a fantasy
I know-uh-oh
Punky Brewster
I always want you here with me
I know-uh-oh
Punky Brewster
No one's gonna understand
Punky Brewster
Together we're the best of friends
The best of friends
I know-uh-oh
Punky Brewster
I always want you here with me
I know-uh-oh
Dessins animés - Infos |
Origine : États-Unis | Titre Original : It's Punky Brewster | Nombre d'épisodes : 26x30 min | Interprète : | Compositeur : Shuki Levy & Haim Saban | 1ère diffusion française : 1985 aux Etats-Unis | 1ère chaine de diffusion française : Non diffusée en France | Auteur(s) du dessin animé : John Kimball | Maison de production : Ruby-Spears Enterprises, NBC Productions | |
| Liens d'intérêt | I'ts Punky Brewster ! Toonarific Punky Brewster/Soleil-Moon Frye |
Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.