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Dessins animés - Crin d'Argent - Générique début VO (The Silver Brumby)    twitter 

"Son of the Wind"

In the darkness of the night
In the fury of the storm
With the silver mark of freedom
Spirit was born

Thowra, they named him Thowra
Like the wind, like the wind that is free
Thowra, they named him Thowra
To be king of the bush
His destiny

In the secret mountain vales
Through the myst and ancient trees
Runs the ghost-like horse so proudly
Silent as the breeze

Thowra, they named him Thowra
He's the son of the wind
Strong and free
Thowra, they named him Thowra
And the king as the king he will be

The Silver Brumby - Crin d'Argent - Générique début VO

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Australie
Titre Original : The Silver Brumby
Nombre d'épisodes : 39x30 min
Interprète : Tassos Ioannides
Compositeur : Joe Chindamo
1ère diffusion française : 1997
1ère chaine de diffusion française : Canal J
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Jon Stephens, Judy Malmgren
Maison de production : Australian Film Finance Corporation Limited

Liens d'intérêt
The Silver Brumby
Site de fan (en)
Elyne Mitchell

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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