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Dessins animés - Aventures extraordinaires de Blinky Bill (Les) - Générique VO (The adventures of Blinky Bill)    twitter 

"Blinky Bill"

This is the story of Blinky Bill
And Flap and Nutsy too
And Wombo, Rough and Marcia
And Splodge the kangaroo
Now they all live in Green Patch Town
As happy as can be
With friends and neighbors all around
The same as you and me

But it’s not always fun and games
For Blinky and his crew
Disasters shouldn't happen
But at last they sometime do
There's mysteries and secrets
Out there amongst the trees
And nobody needs enemies
When you've got friends like these

Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
You'll never catch him standing still
Life is pretty boring
Till you've met Blinky Bill
Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
Our cheeky mate from Green Patch hill
If you don't know him you soon will
Good old Blinky Bill

So come and see what happens next
To Blinky and his friends
But ten to one you'll never guess
The way the story ends
Our little mischief-maker
The one who never fails
Enjoy his great adventure in these new exciting tales

Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
You'll never catch him standing still
Life is pretty boring till
You've met Blinky Bill
Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
Our little mate from Green Patch hill
If you don't know him you soon will
Good old Blinky Bill

Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
You'll never catch him standing still
Life is pretty boring till
You've met Blinky Bill
Hey, Hey, Blinky Bill
Our little mate from Green Patch hill
If you don't know him you soon will
Good old Blinky Bill

Good on ya Blinky !

The adventures of Blinky Bill - Aventures extraordinaires de Blinky Bill (Les) - Générique VO

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Australie
Titre Original : The adventures of Blinky Bill
Nombre d'épisodes : 78x26 min
Compositeur : Guy Gross
1ère diffusion française : 30 Janvier 1995
1ère chaine de diffusion française : France 3
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Dorothy Wall
Maison de production : YoramGRossProd, W.D.R, ABC

Liens d'intérêt
Dorothy Wall & Blinky Bill

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Quand un futur "expert new-yorkais" rencontre une future "agent du FBI" sur l'île de Glory, c'est pour enquêter sur d'évènements étranges. Saurez vous donner le titre de cette série ?
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