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Dessins animés - My little pony Equestria girls - Helping Twilight Win the Crown ()    twitter 

Hey, hey, everybody! We're got something to say,
We make seem as different, as the night is from day.
But if you look a little deeper.
And you will see
That I'm just like you and you're just like me! Yeah!

Hey, hey, everybody! We're here to shout,
That the magic of friendship is what its all about.
Yeah, we thought they were different, as the night is from the day.
Until Twilight Sparkle helped to see another way.

So get up, get down. If you're gonna come around.
We can work together helping Twilight win the crown.
So get up, get down cause its gonna make a sound.
If we work together helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown.

[Pinkie Pie]
Hey, hey! Hands up now!
We're sending a message to the crowd!
Hands way up, then come down.
Then we'll party together all around.

[Rarity] Generous. Honesty.
[Applejack] Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty.
[Fluttershy] Twilight helped us each to see...
[Rainbow Dash] ...all that we can be! So...

So get up, get down. If you're gonna come around.
We can work together helping Twilight win the crown.
So get up, get down cause its gonna make a sound.
If we work together helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown.

[Twilight Sparkle]
I'm gonna be myself, no matter what I do and
And if we're different yeah, I want you to be true to you
If you follow me, we'll put our differences aside.
We'll stick together and start working on that school pride.

Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change. Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts, help her win the crown.

Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change. Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts, help her win the crown.

Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Start now, make a change. Gonna come around.
Jump up, make a sound (hey). Stomp your hooves, turn around.
Canterlot Wondercolts, help her win the crown.

 - My little pony Equestria girls - Helping Twilight Win the Crown

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Canada
Nombre d'épisodes : 1
Interprète : Shannon Chan-Kent, Kazumi Evans, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Rebecca Shoichet
Compositeur : Daniel Ingram
1ère diffusion française : 2013
Maison de production : Studio B Productions / Hasbro

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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