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Dessins animés - Roi lion (le) - Can you feel the love tonight - Eurobeat ()    twitter 

I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue!
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two
The sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this romantic atmosphere
Disaster's in the air

Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The truth about my past?
She'd turn away from me

He's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the king I know he is
The king I see inside?

Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings
The world, for once, in perfect harmony
With all its living things

Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are

And if he falls in love tonight
It can be assumed
His carefree days with us are history
In short, our pal is doomed

 - Roi lion (le) - Can you feel the love tonight - Eurobeat

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Etats-Unis
Nombre d'épisodes : 1
Interprète : Dave & Domino
Compositeur : Elton John et Tim Rice
1ère diffusion française : 1984
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Disney
Maison de production : Disney

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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