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Dessins animés - Raiponce - Something That I Want ()    twitter 

She's a girl with the best intentions
He's a man of his own invention
She looked out the window
He walked out the door
But she followed him
And he said, "What'cha lookin' for?"

She said, "I want something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything I see."

Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything I see

He's been livin' in a pure illusion
She's gonna come to her own conclusion
Right when you think you know what to say
Someone comes along and shows you a brand new way

She said, 'I want something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything I see."

Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything 'cause

It's so easy to make believe, it seems you're livin' in a dream
Don't you see that what you need is standing in front of you?

I want something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything I see

Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
And I need everything I see

 - Raiponce - Something That I Want

Dessins animés - Infos
Compositeur : Grace Porter

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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  Je suis un Boutosaure, et mon ami est toujours dans la Lune ! Ensemble, nous chantons et rêvons... Qui sommes nous ?
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