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Dessins animés - Lava - Generique VO ()    twitter 

A long, long time ago there was a volcano
Living all alone in the middle of the sea
He sat high above his bay watching all the couples play
And wishing that he had someone, too
And from his lava came this song of hope
That he sang out loud everyday, for years and years

"I have a dream
I hope will come true
That you're here with me
And I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me someone to lava"

(Pont Musical)

Years of singing all alone
Turned his lava into stone
Until he was on the brink of extinction
But little did he know
That living in the sea below
Another volcano was listening to his song

Everyday she heard his tune
Her lava grew and grew
Because she believed his song was meant for her
Now she was so ready
To meet him above the sea
As he sang his song of hope for the last time

"I have a dream
I hope will come true
That you're here with me
And I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me someone to lava"

Rising from the sea below
Stood a lovely volcano
Looking all around but she could not see him
He tried to sing to let her know
That she was not there alone
But with no lava, his song was all gone
He filled the sea with his tears
And watched his dreams disappear
As she remembered what his song meant to her

"I have a dream
I hope will come true
That you're here with me
And I'm here with you
I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above
Will send me someone to lava"

Oh they were so happy to finally meet above the sea
All together now their lava grew and grew
No longer are they all alone
With Aloha ! As their new home
And when you visit them this is what they sing

"I have a dream I hope will come true
That you'll grow old with me And I'll grow old with you
We thank the earth, sea, the sky, we thank too
I lava you
I lava you
I lava you"

 - Lava - Generique VO

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : USA
Nombre d'épisodes : 1
Interprète : Kuana Torres Kahele & Napua Greig
Compositeur : James Ford Murphy
1ère diffusion française : 16 juin 2015
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : James Ford Murphy
Maison de production : Pixar Animation Studios

Liens d'intérêt
Pixar Planet

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Comme je suis serviable et gentil, je vais vous aider à me trouver. J'ai été offert à un petit garçon, par un papa fort et courageux. Pour me nourrir, rien de plus simple, une simple poignée de c.... fera l'affaire! Je suis ?
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