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Dessins animés - Reine des Neiges II (la) - (US) Lost in the woods (J'ai perdu le nord) ()    twitter 

Again you're gone off on a different path than mine
I'm left behind, wondering if I should follow
You had to go, and of course it's always fine
I probably could catch up with you tomorrow

But is this what it feels like to be growing apart
When did I become the one who's always chasing your heart

Now I turn around and find
I am lost in the woods
North is south, right is left when you're gone
I'm the one who sees you home
But now I'm lost in the woods
And I don't know what path you are on
Lost in the woods

Up till now the next step was a question of how
I never thought it was a question of whether
Who am I if I'm not your guy
Where am I if we're not together

Now I know you're my true north
'Cause I am lost in the woods
Up is down, day is night when you're not there
Oh, you're my only landmark
So I'm lost in the woods
Wondering if you still care

But I'll wait for a sign
[For a sign]
That I'm your path
'Cause you are mine
[You are mine]
Until then
I'm lost in the woods
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
I'm lost in the woods
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
[Lost in the woods]
I'm lost in the woods

 - Reine des Neiges II (la) - (US) Lost in the woods (J'ai perdu le nord)

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Etats-Unis
Nombre d'épisodes : 1
Interprète : Jonathan Groff
Compositeur : Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Robert Lopez
1ère diffusion française : 2019
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Disney
Maison de production : Disney

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon meilleur ami se fait régulièrement jeter hors de la splendide demeure où je vis par la peau des fesses! Il faut dire que son style (que j'adore) ne se marie ni avec l'endroit, ni avec les gens, surtout pas avec la fille de la maison ! Quant à moi, ici, je suis le Roi ! Ou plutôt...
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