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Dessins animés - Miraculous, le film - Now I see ()    twitter 

Couldn't see what was right before me
Couldn't see what my heart could sense
I assumed love just ignored me
Was it fear or self-defense

In the dark there was always someone
Who was sharing the stars and the night
By your side my fears were undone
With you I'm ready, I see the light

Hide and seek, you're with me
When you speak, melodies
All alone, you were there
And a song in the air

I can see
I can feel
You're with me
And it's real
I can sense
Who you are
But you're still
In the dark
All I know
I can be
So much stronger
When you're here with me

I've been waiting for something like this
Sparks flying, lighting up my heart
I was lost but you brought the brightness
Illuminating all the dark

Do I dare not to take the first leap
Do I dare to reach for you
Do I dare to think about
Every dream that could come true

When I see
Now I can see
What I feel
And I know it's you
You with me
There's nothing like this
And it's real
So real
Now i see
Tell I always know
Who you are
But you could not show
Know no more
It was always you
In the dark
It was always true
Now I know
Now I know
Now I see
I am stronger
When you're here with me

 - Miraculous, le film - Now I see

Dessins animés - Infos
Interprète : Lou · Drew Ryan Scott
Compositeur : Jérémy Zag
1ère diffusion française : 2023

Fiche ajoutée par doludo.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans la série "Raising Hope", Lucy Carlyle la tueuse en série et mère de Hope lui avait donné un tout autre nom au départ, lequel ?
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