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Dessins animés - X-Men Evolution - Only a Girl (Siren's theme) ()    twitter 

I'm just your sweet next-door neighbor
I do what I'm told
And I never cause any trouble
I'm so much more than meets the eye
But there's something that I keep hidden deep inside

Don't mess with my kind
Don't play with my mind
I'm only a girl
But I can move the world
Don't put me down
Or kick me to the ground
I'll be up in a flash
My superhuman blast
I may be out to have a little bit of fun
I've got a life of my own and it's just begun
I've got powers that you can't deny
Treat me wrong, and I'm gone
In the blink of an eye

Don't mess with my kind
Don't play with my mind
I'm only a girl
But I can move the world
Don't put me down
Or kick me to the ground
I'll be up in a flash
My superhuman blast


Don't mess with my kind
Don't play with my mind
I'm only a girl
But I can move the world
Don't put me down
Or kick me to the ground
I'll be up in a flash
My superhuman blast

 - X-Men Evolution - Only a Girl (Siren's theme)

Dessins animés - Infos
Nombre d'épisodes : 52
Compositeur : William Anderson
1ère diffusion française : 2001
1ère chaine de diffusion française : France 3
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Stan Lee, MARVEL Comics
Maison de production : Film Roman Productions

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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