le player de génériques

Dessins animés - Arthur - Générique américain (Arthur - American main title)    twitter 

"Believe in yourself"

Everyday when you're walking down the street
Everybody that you meet
Has an original point of view

And I say HEY ! Hey !
What a wonderful kind of day
Where you can learn to work and play
And get along with each other

You got to listen to your heart
Listen to the beat
Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street
Open up your eyes, open up your ears
Get together and make things better by working together
It's a simple message and it comes from the heart
Believe in youself ( believe in yourself)
Well thats the place to start (to start)

And I say HEY ! Hey !
What a wonderful kind of day
Where you learn to work and play
And get along with each other

You got to listen to your heart
Listen to the beat
Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street
Open up your eyes, open up your ears
Get together and make things better by working together
It's a simple message and it comes from the heart
Believe in youself (believe in yourself)
Well thats the place to start (to start)

And I say HEY ! Hey !
What a wonderful kind of day
Where you learn to work and play
And get along with each other
HEY! What a wonderful kind of day
Where you learn to work and play
And get along with each other
HEY ! What a wonderful kind of day
HEY ! What a wonderful kind of day

Arthur - American main title - Arthur - Générique américain

Dessins animés - Infos
Origine : Canada
Titre Original : Arthur - American main title
Nombre d'épisodes : 94
Interprète : Ziggy Marley
Compositeur : Judy Henderson et Jerry de Villiers Jr.
1ère diffusion française : 1999
1ère chaine de diffusion française : France 3
Auteur(s) du dessin animé : Marc Brown (Bd)
Maison de production : Cinar Productions

Liens d'intérêt
Planète Jeunesse

Fiche ajoutée par Spicefan25.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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