le player de génériques

Récré Kids - Générique (Récré Kids - Main title)    twitter 

Isis a offert sa bonne humeur aux enfants sur TMC dans l'émission "Récré Kids",
qu'elle a présentée d'abord avec Eric Galliano puis avec Billy et Cyril Drevet.
Et pour générique nous avions eu le droit à la très célèbre chanson "Pass the Dutchie" interprétée par le groupe Musical Youth.

This generation rules the nation, with version
Music happen to be the food of love
Sounds to really make you rub and scrub

I say: Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side
pass the Dutchie on the left hand side
it a gonna burn, give me music make me jump and prance
it a go done, give me the music make me rock in the dance

It was a cool and lovely breezy afternoon.
How does it feel when you've got no food?
You could feel it 'cause it was the month of June
How does it feel when you've got no food?
So I left my gate and went out for a walk
How does it feel when you've got no food?
As i pass the dreadlock's camp I heard them say

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side

So I stopped to find out what was going on
How does it feel when you've got no food?
'Cause the spirit of yah you know he leads you on
How does it feel when you've got no food?
There was a ring of dreads and a session was there in swing
How does it feel when you've got no food?
You could feel the chill as I seen and heard them say
How does it feel when you've got no food?

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side

'Cause me say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bass
Give me little music make me wind up me waist
Me say listen to the drummer, me say listen to the bass
Give me little music make me wind up me waist

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side

You play it on the radio a so me say, we a go hear it on the stereo
a so me know you a go play it on the disco
a so me say we a go hear it on the stereo

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side

I say east, say west, say north and south
this is gonna make us jump and shout

Récré Kids - Main title - Récré Kids - Générique

Emissions et jeux télé - Infos
Titre Original : Récré Kids - Main title
Présentateur(s) : Isis, Eric Galliano, Billy, Cyril Drevet
1ère chaine de diffusion française : TMC

Fiche ajoutée par Blue Eyes.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Les bulles ça vous éclate ? Et bien nous, on joue plutôt à les faire éclater ! Un vrai casse tête parfois ! De quoi parle t-on ? Et bien, de ...
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