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Final Fantasy X - The Skies Above    twitter 

Sparks from the fire rise up to the sky
Higher and higher oh I want to fly
Out of the story this time I'll be free
Wake up for a moment from that dream of me

Just a legend cold words on a page
Lift up my eyes and I'm soaring away
On silver wings spread out to the sun
I'm leaving this city for the skies above.

O'er the ruins an ancient light
Never lost, never failing
Follow me on my path to the heights
Before the shadows fade into night

Running back but I'm out of time.
I could tell everything
Hear the words that fill my mind
How can I say she was mine

The Skies Above - The Skies Above

video games - Infos
Original title : The Skies Above
Game : Final Fantasy X
Manufacturer : Squaresoft
Plateforms : PlayStation 2
Performer : mr.goo
Composer : Nobuo Uematsu
Year of the game : 2002

Form added by Yoruichi.
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