le player de génériques

League of legends - Warriors    twitter 

As a child you would wait
And watch from far away.
But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play

And you, you'd lay awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change but it was just a dream!

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town.
From Dust.

The time will come, when you'll have to rise
Above the best, improve yourself
Your spirit never dies
Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne
Above, don't weep for me
Cause this will be the labor of my love

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust.

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust

Warriors - Warriors

video games - Infos
Original title : Warriors
Game : League of legends
Manufacturer : Riot
Plateforms : PC
Performer : Imagine Dragons
Year of the game : 2014

Form added by aioros22.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon mode de vie actuel est bien rangé, mais mon ancien travail me rattrape souvent. J'ôte alors ma tunique pour aider mon ex-mari. Qui suis-je ?
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