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.hack//SIGN - Key of the Twilight    twitter 

Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now fly me there

Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth

Consolations, be there
In my dreamland to come
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there

I believe in fantasies invisible to me
In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign
To the door of mystery and dignity
I'm wandering down, and searchin' down the secret sun

Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there
to the land of twilight

Key of the Twilight - Key of the Twilight

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Key of the Twilight
Anime : .hack//SIGN

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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  D'ordinaire, on ne laisse pas le volant aux enfants, mais ici, il n'y a rien à craindre ... De quel véhicule s'agit il ?
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