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Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - 'Libera me' from hell    twitter 

Requiem æternam. Dona eis, Domine

do the impossible, see the invisible
raw! raw! fight the power!
touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
raw! raw! fight the power!

power to the peeps, power for the dream
still missing piece scattering, so incomplete
we be the most incredible soldier from underground
see how easy they all fall down
digging to the core to see the light
Let's get out of here babe, that's the way to survive
top of the head, I'm on the set
do the impossible, don't you wanna bet?
cuz, a lot of things changed, we be waiting in vain
if you wanna get by, no pain no gain
wow! fakers wanna test me again
sorry, my rhyme's gonna snatch your brain, yo

I'm still starving for the straight up shit
we gonna make it happen with the crazy rap skill
get ready to rumble, now is the time, uh huh
if you don't know, now you know

(good luck fellows!)

Libera me, Domine, de morte æterna,
in die illa tremenda. in die illa
Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra,
Dum veneris judicare
sæculum per ignem.
Tremens factus sum ego et timeo,
dum discussio venerit atque ventura ira.

2nd verse dedicates to the real peeps
what we got to say is so real thing
cuz, revolution ain't never gonna televise
kicking the mad flow, microphone phenotype
open your third eye, seeing through the overground
I'm about to hit you with the scream from the underground
whole city is covered with the cyber flavor
"G" is in your area, one of the toughest enigma

Dies illa, dies iræ,
calamitatis et miseriæ

do the impossible, see the invisible dies illa
raw! raw! fight the power!
touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable dies magna
raw! raw! fight the power!

what you gonna do is what you wanna do et amara valde
just break the rule, then you see the truth
this is the theme of "G" coming through baby! et amara valde
raw! raw! fight the power!


do the impossible, see the invisible Requiem æternam
raw! raw! fight the power!
touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
raw! raw! fight the power!

what you gonna do is what you wanna do dona eis Domine
just break the rule, then you see the truth (raw! raw! fight the power!)
this is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
raw! raw! fight the power!

do the impossible, see the invisible Requiem æternam
raw! raw! fight the power!
touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
raw! raw! fight the power!

what you gonna do is what you wanna do dona eis Requiem
just break the rule, then you see the truth (raw! raw! fight the power!)
this is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
raw! raw! fight the power!

what you gonna do is what you wanna do et lux perpetua luceat eis
just break the rule, then you see the truth
this is the theme of "G" coming through baby!
raw! raw! fight the power! {and eternal light shine upon them}

do the impossible, see the invisible Libera me, Domine.
raw! raw! fight the power!

raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power! Libera me, Domine
raw! raw! fight the power!

raw! raw! fight the power!
raw! raw! fight the power!

'Libera me' from hell - Insert song - 'Libera me' from hell

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : 'Libera me' from hell - Insert song
Anime : Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Artiste : Iwasaki Taku
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2007

Liens d'intérêt
Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par Yoruichi.
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