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Noir - Lullaby    twitter 

the snow in the air
to sing me a lullaby
my winter, come hither to me

the dark nights to come
so, kiss me for good-bye
the grace of the godland is near to you

show me the flowers invisible
sing me the hymns inaudible
the wind is my voice
the moon is my heart
come find me, I'm on every hills and fields
I'm here... ever your near...
(sing for your love, gone so far in the past)
(pray for the world, that you may rest in peace)

the snow in the air
to sing me a lullaby
the angel of rebirth is here

so let all your pain
sleep within the husha-by
the grace of the godland
grace of the godland
grace of the godland is near...
so close to you

Lullaby - Lullaby

recent japanese animes - Infos
Original title : Lullaby
Anime : Noir

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  Je me suis beaucoup vanté, mais ma carrière est derrière moi. Pour la relancer, j'ai voulu entraîner votre dinosaure préféré dans le monde du Music-Hall ! Et il est tellement naïf que j'ai failli réussir ! Je suis ...
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