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Xam'd: Lost Memories - Shut up and Explode    twitter 

Down fall and it all falls down
I fall from grace I got your taste
Turn off your mind unwind
And see how high the cloudy sky

Run away Run away
Leave you in the dust
Soak it up Soak it up
Won't you crush on me

Run away Run away
Leave you in the dust
Soak it up Soak it up
Won't you crush on me

Running Free Running Free
Driving me insane
Shut it down Shut it down
It's about to explode

Run away Run away~ !!!

I think I'm raw so I draw
Just press that button
It's all so good

Now my heart bursts
Like a bottle of wine
You lose you bite your lipe

Let it down Let it down
Keep it in your heart
Bring it up Bring it up
Savor my world

Let it down Let it down
Keep it in your heart
Bring it up Bring it up
Savor my world

Let it out Let it out
I make it burn
Bottle up Bottle up
Count it all joy

Let it down Let it down~ ...

Shut up and Explode - Opening - Shut up and Explode

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Shut up and Explode - Opening
Anime : Xam'd: Lost Memories
Artiste : Boom Boom Satellites
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2007

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Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par Yoruichi.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Quand un futur "expert new-yorkais" rencontre une future "agent du FBI" sur l'île de Glory, c'est pour enquêter sur d'évènements étranges. Saurez vous donner le titre de cette série ?
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