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Beck - Moon on the water    twitter 

Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day

On my way
Looking for a moment with my dear

Full moon waves
Slowly on the surface of the lake

You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool
I don't know 'bout tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was sure
Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Old love affair
Floating like a bird resting her wings

You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

What a fool
I don't know 'bout tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was sure
Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

What a fool
I don't know 'bout tomorrow
What it's like to be

I was sure
Couldn't let myself to go
Even though I feel
The end

Full moon sways
Gently in the night of one fine day

You were there
Smiling in my arms for all those years

Moon on the water - Ending 2 (Full moon sway) - Moon on the water

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Moon on the water - Ending 2 (Full moon sway)
Anime : Beck
Artiste : Tanaka Koyuki
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2004

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Petite leçon d'Histoire ! Ma devise: "Tòca-i se gausas" (Touches-y si tu oses) est toujours appliquée à ma ville 700 ans après ma mort. On parle de moi également comme auteur de l'Hymne Occitan "Se canta". Fin stratège, amateur d'art et grand Seigneur au caractère bien trempé, je suis...
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