le player de génériques

Shingeki no bahamut: Virgin Soul - LET iT END    twitter 

Why am I always talkin' like
It's the only way to defend yourself!
It looks to me like you're gonna pretend and do what God said


Don't speak my name
You're like gasoline
Don't play, play the game
Don't be so lazy

A searing razer point and the beating of your own chest
Go! Get up, and prove that you'll always be aggressive

Wallow in yourself!

When I come around, it will be found
Like a pledge without a sound
When I come around, it will be found
As you're turning away, you stumble

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

Before it takes you over from the inside out, you should give in to pain

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

It's already ended

Don't speak my name
desire so for pain
Don't play, play the game
i agree never again

waid don't naver stand
say kill can never change
bloody ler

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

Before it takes you over from the inside out, you should give in to pain

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

shora say nofing the all

When I come around, it will be found
Like a pledge without a sound
When I come around, it will be found
As you're turning away, you stumble

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

Before it takes you over from the inside out, you should give in to pain

Let it end
Let it end
Let it end

It's already ended

LET iT END - Opening 1 - LET iT END

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : LET iT END - Opening 1
Anime : Shingeki no bahamut: Virgin Soul
Artiste : SIM
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2017

Liens d'intérêt
Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par aioros22.
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