le player de génériques

Legend of Black Heaven (the) - Cautionary Warning    twitter 

You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
You are my space invader
Cautionary warning
I propose
You are my complicator
You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
Cautionary warning
I propose to you

I guess the boy took it one step over the line
Sold his soul to the dark unholy sign
Now, only time will tell
Will it take you down
Or will you pull through
It's like a voice from the burning fires of hell
Selling sin
Now you've fallen for the spell
And only time will tell
Will it take you down
Or will you pull through
It's calling out to you

You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
You are my space invader
Cautionary warning
I propose
You are my complicator
You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
Cautionary warning
I propose to you

You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
You are my space invader
Cautionary warning
I propose
You are my complicator
You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
Cautionary warning
I propose to you

So now you're down
Have you lost yourself control
To the one you believed could save your soul
Now only time will tell
Will it take you down
Or will you pull through
Like a voice in the darkness of the night
Telling tales
You've become what you despise
And only time will tell
Will it take you down
Or will you pull through

You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
You are my space invader
Cautionary warning
I propose
You are my complicator
You are my instigator
You are my aggravator
Cautionary warning
I propose to you

Well I'm talking 'bout the isolation
Voices inside my head
Something that you said
Well, I don't know
Something drove me to the act
But I just couldn't recollect
If it was 10 or was it 20 blows
The voice said once again
But I don't know
It's a fundamental fact
That no one knows who's where
Or what they are at
At any time of day
There's no one left to say
So who's to know
So who's to know

Cautionary Warning - Opening - Cautionary Warning

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Cautionary Warning - Opening
Anime : Legend of Black Heaven (the)
Artiste : John Sykes
Année de diffusion de l'album : 1999

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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