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Banana Fish - RED    twitter 

In spite of how the world decides to see my life
Would I still have a chance for us to say good bye
Over and over again
If I decide to burn instead of fading out,
I still would like the chance for us to say good bye
Over and over again

If we can be found,
we sure can get lost
Through all the madness of falling in love
If we're truly lost
I don't wanna be found
here dying alone

The stain of red that colors the pavement
painted with blood of somebody you love
Is this the sacrifice for the broken
losing the purest of what's in my heart

RED - Ending 2 (TV Size) - RED

recent japanese animes - Infos
Original title : RED - Ending 2 (TV Size)
Anime : Banana Fish
Artist : Survive Said The Prophet
Year of the OST : 2018

Form added by fulguropoings.
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