le player de génériques

Arcane - League of legend Story - Saison 2 - To Ashes and Blood    twitter 

You walk along the edge of danger
And it will change you
Why would you let this voice set in your head?
It is meant to destroy you
You summon storms, you play with nature
Now watch it hurt you
Why would you want to shape the world in your hands?
You will never make it through

Catch the fire burning out your soul
Just make it die or you will turn it all

To ashes and blood

To ashes and blood

You waste your life to gain power
You shift the game rules
How does it feel to reach the line that no one ever got to cross?
Does it make you a god now?
Every sin will be forgiven
If you lay down your weapons to the ground

Catch the fire burning out your soul

Just make it die or you will fall

Catch the fire burning out your soul

Just make it die or you will turn it all

To ashes and blood

To ashes and blood

To ashes and blood

To ashes and blood

To ashes and blood


To Ashes and Blood - To Ashes and Blood

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : To Ashes and Blood
Anime : Arcane - League of legend Story - Saison 2
Artiste : Woodkid
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2024

Fiche ajoutée par charurubaka.
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