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Cowboy Bebop - Diggin'    twitter 

You know my daddy dug gates for his whole life
And he never knew nothing more
Yeah and his daddy done the dig like his old man
Who had dug before the war
And though she couldn't have known till I was born
My poor mama God rest her soul
Like them I come out diggin'

Well I was layin' out wire on number 9
Now when she come down to earth
And she was talkin' real loud
All about she was gonna save the universe
I went and snuck a lil' peek in her blue eyes
And words just aren't enough
She had me off and runnin'

Could it be that I got bored and lonely
Could it be that I'm just dumb and horny
Could it be that Lady Luck has smiled herself on me

She wore rattlesnake boots, a sassy mood
She had me laughin' in my tears
The most beautiful thing, so young and sweet
A little green behind the ears
She took me higher then I ever been
Lordy what have I been missin'
Now she is all I'm diggin'

Could it be that I got bored and lonely
Could it be that I'm just old and horny
Could it be that Lady Luck has smiled herself on me

She's smilin' down on me, yeah

Come a little closer
Let me show you how it could be
Spacey little cowgirl
Come a little closer to me
Spacey little cowgirl

Diggin' - Diggin'

recent japanese animes - Infos
Original title : Diggin'
Anime : Cowboy Bebop

Good links
Fiche Animeka

Form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette adaptation étrange et post-moderne du Magicien d'Oz, une reine a deux filles. Toutes deux partent en quête de la pierre d'émeraude qui plongera à jamais leur monde dans la lumière ou l'obscurité? De quelle série s'agit-il ?
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