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Cosmo Warrior Zero - The book of Life    twitter 

Long ago some where in the future
In a place beyond space and time
There's a book for all to see
What has been, what could be, prophecies of the ages

Every little joy, every sorrow
Every little tear that is cried
Every word and deed every thought and feeling
Are written there on the pages

Some embrace only shadow, some embrace the light
But the life that we lead are the stories we leave
There in the book of life

Know this place is only a memory
Haunting as a dream from a far
And our hearts have lost the key; we don't know how to read
Signs that are there to guild us

Maybe we don't know all the answers
Maybe we can change who we are
All we have is love we can give our children
Love that we follows behind us

Some embrace only shadow, some embrace the light
But the life we lead are the stories we leave
There in the book of life

The book of life
The book of life

The book of Life - Ending - The book of Life

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : The book of Life - Ending
Anime : Cosmo Warrior Zero
Artiste : Emiko Shiratori
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2001

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Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par Yoruichi.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
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