le player de génériques

Petit vampire (le) / Rüdiger, le petit vampire - Générique version longue (Kleine Vampir (der) / Little Vampire (the) - Full version)    twitter 

After our blood, freezes the flood
All through the night and gifted with sight
to see in the dark
They can see in the dark
You know they can fly, can fly oh so high
Live under the earth and gifted from birth
They can see in the dark
They can see in the dark
Vampires, vampires
They can see in the dark
They can see in the dark
All through the night and gifted with sight

After our blood, freezes the flood
With dangers at hand cry out through the land
They can see in the dark
(vampires can)
They can see in the dark
(vampires can)
Vampires, vampires
They can see in the dark
They can see in the dark
With dangers at hand cry out through the land
Vampires, vampires

You know they can fly
Can fly oh so high
If you see one tonight
Don't put up a fight
Make peace while you can
Make a friend if you dare
A friend who can fly
Can fly oh so high
And see in the dark
And live under the earth
Make a friend if you can
Of vampires

Vampires, vampires, vampires...
Vampires can
They can see in the dark

Kleine Vampir (der) / Little Vampire (the) - Full version - Petit vampire (le) / Rüdiger, le petit vampire - Générique version longue

Séries télé - Infos
Titre Original : Kleine Vampir (der) / Little Vampire (the) - Full version
Nombre d'épisodes : 13
Nombre de saisons : 1
Compositeur : John Mills-Cockell
Interprète : Jim Gray & Dark Room
Acteurs : Joel Dacks, Gert Fröbe, Michael Gough, Jim Gray, Michael Hogan, Susan Hogan, Marsha Moreau, Barbara Reese, Christopher Stanton, Cathy Wenschlag
1ère diffusion française : 1987
1ère chaine de diffusion française : La Cinq

Liens d'intérêt
Site de fan (en)
Site de fan (fr)

Fiche ajoutée par Emma_Peel.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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