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Dead Zone (the) - Season 1 main title (Dead Zone - Générique Saison 1)    twitter 

"New year's prayer"

Oooooo, Fall in light, fall in light. Fall in light, fall in light
Feel no shame for what you are (x5)
As you now are in your blood
Fall in light

Feel no shame for what you are
Feel no shame for what you are
Feel it as a water fall
Fall in light, ooh
Fall in light, fall in light, Fall in light, ooh
Fall in light, fall in light, fall in light
Grow in light

Stand absolved behind your electric chair, dancing
Stand absolved behind your electric chair, dancing
Past the sound within the sound
Past the voice within the voice

Leave your office
Run past your funeral
Leave your home, car
Leave your pulpit
Join us in the streets where we
Join us in the streets where we
Don’t belong, don’t belong
You and the stars
Throwing light

Fall, fall
Fall in light, fall in light. fall in light
Fall in light, fall in light fall in light
Grow in light

Dead Zone (the) - Season 1 main title - Dead Zone - Générique Saison 1

TV Series - Infos
Original title : Dead Zone (the) - Season 1 main title
Number of episodes : Toujours en production
Number of seasons : Toujours en production
Composer : Jeff Buckley
Performer : Jeff Buckley
Actors : Anthony Michael Hall, Nicole de Boer, Chris Bruno, John L. Adams
1st french broadcasting : 2003
1st french broadcasting channel : M6

Good links
Wikipédia (fr)
Jeff Buckley
Fiche AlloCiné

Form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Un évènement tragique va me forcer à m'en rappeler d'autres, que je le veuille ou non. Mon histoire est terrible, mon histoire est vraie. Je l'ai déjà écrite, mais je vais encore vous la raconter. Pour mère! Pour père! Pour mes frères...
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