le player de génériques

Follyfoot - Main title (Follyfoot - Générique)    twitter 

Down in the meadow where the wind blows free, in the middle of a field stands a lightning tree.
It's limbs all torn from the day it was born for the tree was born in a thunderstorm.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Down in the meadow where the wind blows light, the lightning struck in the middle of the night.
Limbs stripped bare by the lightning flare the lightning flare was a wild affair.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Down in the meadow where the wind blows cold, the lightning tree stands stiff and old.
Branches bent when the lightning rent the lightning rent from the firmament.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Down in the meadow with the wind in the west, the lightning tree faced up to the test.
Its heart went snap when it took the rap, the terrible rap of the thunder clap.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Down in the meadow when the wind blows free, a whispering breeze in the lightning tree.
Dreams come true if you want them to if you want them to, then it's up to you.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Grow, grow, the lightning tree, it's never too late for you and me;
Grow, grow, the lightning tree, never give in too easily.

Série diffusée dans le Cadre des Visiteurs du Mercredi (1975-1982)

Follyfoot - Main title - Follyfoot - Générique

TV Series - Infos
Original title : Follyfoot - Main title
Number of episodes : 39
Number of seasons : 3
Composer : Dennis Farnon (compositeur), Stephen Francis (auteur)
Performer : The Settlers
Actors : Gillian Blake, Arthur English, Steve Hodson, Desmond Llewelyn, Christian Rodska
1st french broadcasting : cf. commentaires
1st french broadcasting channel : TF1

Good links
Wikipédia (en)

Form added by coucoucircus.
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