le player de génériques

Epouvantail (l') - Générique VO (Scarecrow of Romney Marsh (the) - VO Main title)    twitter 

Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !
The soldiers of the king feared his name : " Scarecrow" !

On the southern coast of England, there's a legend people tell
Of days long ago when the great Scarecrow
Would ride from the jaws of Hell
And laugh with a fiendish yell !

With his clothes all torn and tattered, through the black of night he'd ride
From the marsh to the coast like a demon ghost
He'd show his face then hide
And he'd laugh...Till he split his side !

So the King told all his soldiers: « Hang him high or hang him low !
But never return till the day I learn he's gone in flames below
Or you'll hang - with the great Scarecrow ! »

Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !
The soldiers of the King feared his name
Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !
The country folk all loved him just the same : " Scarecrow" !

He would always help the farmer, when there was no gold to bring
He'd find a way for the poor to pay the taxes of the King
« Scarecrow ! » Every man would sing !

Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !
The soldiers of the King feared his name
Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !
The country folk all loved him just the same
Scarecrow ! Scarecrow ! Scarecrow !

Scarecrow of Romney Marsh (the) - VO Main title - Epouvantail (l') - Générique VO

Séries télé - Infos
Titre Original : Scarecrow of Romney Marsh (the) - VO Main title
Nombre d'épisodes : 3x52 min
Nombre de saisons : 1
Compositeur : Terry Gilkyson/Terry Gilkyson
Acteurs : Patrick McGoohan, Richard O'Sullivan, Jill Curzon, George Cole
1ère diffusion française : 1987
1ère chaine de diffusion française : FR3

Liens d'intérêt
Wikipédia (en)
Wikipédia (fr)
Planète Jeunesse

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Posté Friday 26/12/2014 par Sulako : Pour le générique en français : http://retourdansleseighties.blogspot.fr/2014/01/lepouvantail-le-justicier-des-campagne.html

note : 5.00 (1) note(s)

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Si tu as 5 ans et que tu es venu avec ton papa, ta mamie, ta tata, ton tonton qui tient la caméra et qui a bu trop de vin avant de venir, tu es le bienvenu dans cette émission !
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