le player de génériques

Variétés - Darlin' (Delegation)    twitter 

You ought to know, it gets so lonely,
I need you, girl.

Star of the show, my one and only
I want you, girl

I want to stay every moment
beside you, what do I've got to do?
I need to know, what you're feeling
Inside you, what do I've got to do?

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

You're on my mind, till mind comes creeping,
I need you girl
And when I find, that why I'm sleeping,
I want you girl
I got to have your devotion,
right now, girl, what do I've got to do?
I got to show my emotion,
right now, girl, what do I've got to do?

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you
(think about you baby)
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

Darlin', I think about you,
when we are not together
(Anytime we're not together)
Darlin', I think about you,
you're in my heart forever
(And that's where you stay girl)

 - Darlin'

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1979
Interprète : Delegation

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  On peut être une truie et avoir une certaine éducation, mais je suis au moins aussi bête que mon amie, qui elle , n'est pas une dinde, mais pas loin ! Qui sommes nous ?
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