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Variétés - Something's gotten hold of my heart (Gene Pitney and Marc Almond)    twitter 

Something's gotten hold of my heart
Keeping my soul and my senses apart
Something's gotten into my life
Cutting its way through my dreams like a knife

Turning me up, turning me down
Making me smile, making me frown
In a world that was born
I once lived in a time there was peace with no trouble at all

But then you came my way
and a feeling unknown shook my heart and
made me want you to stay
All of my nights and all of my days

Something's gotten hold of my hand
dragging my soul to a beautiful land
Something has invaded my light
painting my sleep with the colours so bright

Changing the gray changing the blue
Scarlet for me, it's scarlet for you

I've got to know if this is the real thing
I've got to know what's making my heart sing, oh, yeah

Smile and I am lost for a lifetime
Each minute spent with you is the right time
Every hour, yeah every day yeah
You touch me and my mind goes astray yeah

And baby, and Baby,
something's gotten hold of my hand
Dragging my soul to a beautiful land
Something's gotten right into my life
Cutting its way through my dreams like a knife

Turning me up and turning me down hey
Making me smile and making me frown
In a world that was torn
I once lived in a time that was peace with no trouble at all

But then you, you, you, you,
came my way and a feeling unknown shook my heart made me want you to stay
all of my nights and all of my days.

I wanna tell you now
Something's gotten hold of my heart
Keeping my soul and my senses apart
Something has invaded my light
painting my sleep with the colours so bright

Changing the gray (gray)
Changing the blue (blue)
Scarlet for me
It's scarlet for you

 - Something's gotten hold of my heart

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : Gene Pitney and Marc Almond

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  En 1564 Nostradamus a prédit la destruction de la terre en trois vagues. La première a commencé mais moi Cade Foster je me dresse devant l'envahisseur et tente de les repousser. Quelle est cette série ?
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