le player de génériques

Variétés - Jack to the sound of the underground (Hit house)    twitter 

Picture this, recording studio somwhere far, far away...
Ohhhh weee, you bugger.

Say kids, what time is it
It's ten for house

Oh laaa, laaaa
Oo ahhhh

Check this out
Who's go it
Check this out
On, on on the double.

That is the sound of the underground
That is the sound of the underground
That is the sound of the underground
That is the sound of the underground

That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo

You're no good for me, I don't need nobody
Don't need no-one, that's no good for me
You're no good for me, I don't need nobody
Don't need no-one, that's no good for me
Yo yo
Yo yo
No good for me
Yo yo
Yo yo
good for me

Check this out


Yes you know house
House trained, house trained
House trained
Yeah you know house

That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo
That is the sound of the underground
Yoyo yo yoyo

 - Jack to the sound of the underground

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : Hit house

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mini-série réalisée en 1980, cette oeuvre télévisuelle est une adaptation d'un des plus grands recueils de science-fiction, signé Ray Bradbury en 1950. On peut notamment y voir Rock Hudson et Roddy McDowall. Il s'agit de... ?
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