le player de génériques

Variety - (Liza Minnelli)    twitter 

The sun comes up, I think about you
The coffee cup, I think about you
I want you so, it's like I'm losing my mind

The morning ends, I think about you
I talk to friends and think about you
And do they know it's like I'm losing my mind?

All afternoon doing every little chore
The thought of you stays bright
Sometimes I stand in the middle of the floor
Not going left, not going right

I dim the lights and think about you
Spend sleepless nights to think about you
You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing
Losing my mind?

All afternoon doing every little chore
The thought of you stays bright
Sometimes I stand in the middle of the floor
Not going left, not going right

I dim the lights and think about you
Spend sleepless nights to think about you
You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing my mind?

Or am I losing my mind?
You said you loved me, or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing my mind?
Or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing my mind?
Losing my mind

 - Losing My Mind

Variety - Infos
Date : 1989
Performer : Liza Minnelli

form added by coucoucircus.
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  J'étais flic... j'ai démissionné après avoir tué accidentellement mon partenaire. Depuis, je suis animateur sur une radio nocturne. Je suis ?
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