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Variétés - Live To Tell (Madonna)    twitter 

I have a tale to tell
Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well
I was not ready for the fall
Too blind to see the writing on the wall

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned, 'till then
It will burn inside of me

I know where beauty lives
I've seen it once, I know the warm she gives
The light that you could never see
It shines inside, you can't take that from me

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned, 'till then
It will burn inside of me

The truth is never far behind
You kept it hidden well
If I live to tell
The secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again

If I ran away, I'd never have the strength
To go very far
How would they hear the beating of my heart
Will it grow cold
The secret that I hide, will I grow old
How will they hear
When will they learn
How will they know

A man can tell a thousand lies
I've learned my lesson well
Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned, 'till then
It will burn inside of me

The truth is never far behind
You kept it hidden well
If I live to tell
The secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again

 - Live To Tell

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1986
Interprète : Madonna

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette adaptation étrange et post-moderne du Magicien d'Oz, une reine a deux filles. Toutes deux partent en quête de la pierre d'émeraude qui plongera à jamais leur monde dans la lumière ou l'obscurité? De quelle série s'agit-il ?
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