le player de génériques

Variety - (Bob Marley)    twitter 

No woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.

Said, said
Said I remember
When we used to sit
In the government
Yard in Trench-town
Oba, observing
The hypocrites
As they would
Mingle with the good people we meet,
Good friends we had
Oh good friends we've lost
Along the way
In this bright future
You cant' forget your past
So, dry your tears
I say…

No woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.
Here little darlin'
Don't shed no tears
No woman, no cry.
Said, said
Said I remember
When we used to sit
In the government
Yard in Trench-town
And then Georgie
Would make a Firelight
As it was
Log wood burnin' through the night
Then we would cook
Corn meal porridge
Of which I'II share with you
My feet is my only carriage
So, l've got to push on through
But while I'm gone
I meam…

Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
Ev'rythings gonna be al right.
So woman,no cry.
No,no woman, no cry.
Oh, my little sister
Don't shed no tears.
No woman, no cry.

Little darlin',
Dont't shed no tears
No woman, no cry.

Little darlin',
Dont't shed no tears
No woman, no cry.

Little darlin',
Dont't shed no tears
No woman, no cry.

 - No woman no cry

Variety - Infos
Date : 1974
Performer : Bob Marley
Music composer : Vincent Ford

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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