le player de génériques

Variétés - More Than This (Roxy Music)    twitter 

I could feel at the time
There was no way of knowing
Fallen leaves in the night
Who can say where they're blowing
As free as the wind
And hopefully learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this - there is nothing
More than this - tell me one thing
More than this - there is nothing
It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like dream in the night
Who can say where we're going
No care in the world
Maybe I'm learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this - there is nothing
More than this - tell me one thing
More than this - there is nothing

 - More Than This

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1982
Interprète : Roxy Music

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Il était une fois, un conte de fées "Suédois". Le jeune Daniel nous le raconte ici en Français. Sur cette musique, on a chanté autrefois : "J'aime, j'aime, j'aime la chanson que tu me chantais souvent..." C'est beau non? Dites la formule magique, et l'émission commencera...
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