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Variétés - Why (Bronski Beat)    twitter 

Tell me why ...Tell me why ...

Contempt in your eyes when I turned to kiss his lips

Broken I lie all my feelings denied, blood on your fist

Can you tell me why ? Can you tell me why ?
Can you tell me why ? Can you tell me why ?

Oooh Oooh Oooooooo-ooh !

You in your false securities tear up my life condemning me
Name me an illness you call me a sin
Never feel guilty, never give in !

Tell me why ? Tell me why ?
Tell me why ? Tell me why ? Yeah !

Pont musical

You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love
You and me together fighting for our love

Pont musical

Contempt in your eyes when I turned to kiss his lips
Broken I lie all my feelings denied, blood on your fist

Can you tell me why ? Can you tell me why ?
Can you tell me why ? Can you tell me why ?
Can you tell me why ?? Can you tell me why ??
Can you tell me why ??? Can you tell me why ???
Can you tell me why ????

 - Why

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1983
Album : The age of consent
Origine : Royaume-Uni
Interprète : Bronski Beat
Compositeur : Steve Bronski-Jimmy Somerville-Larry Steinbachek

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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